My First ReactJs Project

Satish Narayan
1 min readDec 2, 2020

As part of the full-stack mentorship program @frontbench, in week4, I made a stopwatch using ReactJs.

At the starting of react session, I learned concepts of react such as JSX, component, props, state, hooks, rendering, etc from freecodecamp.

A famous saying “for understanding concepts you need to solve problems and for solving problems you need to understand concepts”, bit confused?

So I was knowing concepts but I was not able to integrate the concepts, so I decided to make a stopwatch application so that I can use these concepts in real-life projects and stopwatch application was perfect for that it cleared my concepts of JSX, components, and hooks.

This was the first time I was learning ReactJs, so in the starting, I felt a lot of difficulties but later due to the help of my mentor Deepak Kumar and Sagar it became easy.

Till now Journey with @frontbench has been amazing, in such a short period of time I made 3 projects and learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and ReactJs

Check out my Github Repo.

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Thanks for reading!

