Learning From My First Web Dev Project


As part of the full-stack mentorship program @frontbench, in week1, I made a portfolio using plain HTML and CSS.

Tech Learning :

  1. Github

From Writing file name final->final1->final2 after each change in the file, this time I used Github for version control.

Resources I used for learning Github:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rosYaF_KsB8
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj4fy4kpaOA
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMdfDnGX9S8

These three videos will be sufficient to give you sufficient knowledge about GitHub


I was knowing the basics before but this time <div>, grid and flexbox was extra learning

3. MOST IMPORTANT ->Escape the Tutorial Hell

This is the third time I am trying to do something in web-development, in the last two I end up In tutorial hell.

Concepts In web development are huge, just going through the tutorial will not help.

Thanks for reading.

Excited for the next project!!!

